Dirk Campens
Executive Coach
Over the last 10 years, Dirk was active as VP Head of Coaching at GSK Vaccines, coordinated a group of 200 internal coaches and coached more than 400 people individually or in group. His extensive business experience of 27 years allows him to work well with senior executives and leaders in a continuously changing and highly demanding environment.
Dirk deeply believe in the innate growing possibilities of every human being.
Dirk is passionate in the evolution from IQ to EQ to WeQ and allows his clients to focus on increasing personal balance and human performance. He loves to make people believe in themselves and to let them grow towards the best version they can be.
As a coach, as an experienced leader and as medical doctor he’s interested in what motivates people and what’s driving personal growth. He loves to identify the opportunity in every situation, to create focus around the inherent possibilities and to deliver tangible results.
During this process he uses his intuition to find out where the is positive energy and how to engage people. Going on a coaching journey with Dirk means discovering how to let go of the status quo and to grow beyond the current knowledge and expertise (IQ). In the following step you will discover how to create more emotional and social awareness (EQ) and to find new ways to achieve more together with others (WeQ).